Companies trying to survive in times of flux tend to make similar mistakes, regardless of the type of business or industry.
These mistakes fall into four broad categories:
Innovation/risk taking and
Business development.
Here’s how to avoid some of the most common management pitfalls as you navigate the economy’s rocky road.
1.Staff reduction by a dozen cuts.
1.Staff reduction by a dozen cuts.
2.Closing off communication channels.
3.Eliminating incentives.
1.Reducing professional development and training.
1.Reducing professional development and training.
2.Making their jobs harder.
3.Postponing recruitment.
Innovation/Risk Taking
1.Stifling critical thinking.
1.Stifling critical thinking.
2.Waiting for a turnaround.
Business Development
1.Sacrificing quality.
1.Sacrificing quality.
2.Losing sight of the customer.
3.Cutting the wrong things.